e-Safety Policy (2019-2020)

1. AIM

The aim of Green Labyrinth Study Programmes is to provide excellent education in a safe and supportive learning environment for learners to make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic wellbeing.

This e-Safety Policy helps underpin the aim of Green Labyrinth vision and values


Green Labyrinth was built to serve the community in which it is placed. Accordingly, we are an alternative provision training centre serving learners in Swindon and Wiltshire. We cater for pupils of all abilities aged 16-19 (if 19th birthday falls after 31st August prior to starting academic year), 19+ learners requiring specialist provision with an Education & Health Care Plan.  


Green Labyrinth is committed to providing a safe and structured environment in which teachers can teach and learners can learn.  This policy specifies the processes GL staff and learners are to follow to ensure everyone at Green Labyrinth stays safe online.

Green Labyrinth:

3.1 recognise that technology and the use of ICT equipment is part of everyday life and that it is an essential part of learning and employment. ICT systems are one of the fastest and most effective ways of finding information, sharing ideas and working with other people, but whilst effective there is also the opportunity for risks to occur.

3.2 aim to protect all staff and learners against risks associated with the internet and other technology aids, such as mobile phones as part of our safeguarding responsibility. This will be known as e-Safety. The risks to users can comprise data that is inaccurate, dangerous, illegal and offensive. This includes exposure to and the release of extremist material and also data that is considered private and confidential.

3.3 will follow codes of conduct and adhere to any signed commitment statements as well as Company handbooks and any points raised in this policy and also encourage learners to follow what is outlined in this policy.

All learners are required to read and sign the Acceptable IT Use/e-Safety Learner Agreement as part of their induction. A copy of this can be found in Appendix One.

4. The risks associated with technology can be categorised under the following headings:


Including poor posture (affected by poor seating and furniture set up) and eye strain (due to the length of time a person is exposed to the screen). Progress Schools conducts annual reviews on staff Health and Safety around display screen equipment (DSE). It would be the responsibility of the staff to assess whether or not a learner requires assistance or support around DSE.


Social networking sites, chatrooms and phone apps allow people to meet new friends but unfortunately not everyone is who they claim to be. Never give personal information out as this could make you vulnerable to: radicalisation, exploitation, bullying or sexual aggression. Never feel you need to keep new relationships a secret. A real friendship and/or new relationship would not need to be kept a secret, and there may be a hidden agenda to this, putting you at risk.

This behaviour can be by or towards individuals and can include cyberbullying and cyberstalking. Behaviours can also include racism and piracy. When using equipment provided by Green Labyrinth you have a right to be protected and a duty to behave honestly and responsibly. Never do anything that makes you vulnerable to malicious software or charges of bad behaviour. Incorrect use of equipment including downloading or passing on illegal or inappropriate content can result in the user committing a criminal offence. Any inappropriate act, that offends or harms others, is taken very seriously and will be reported to the Police. This is both in and outside of Green Labyrinth. Never share information that is considered private and confidential. 

This includes downloading information, some of which may be illegal, contain extremist material and be dishonest or inappropriate. This presents risks to Green Labyrinth or partners, if using their equipment. Posting personal information can also pose risks as previously mentioned in the ‘contact’ category. Potential data breaches and non-following of GDPR policy is a big risk in regards to the ‘content’ of data. This is inclusive of sharing, controlling, processing and even holding/storing data – there needs to be a rationale for the processing, sharing and storing of content/data – this always needs to be considered when collecting information, as does the timeframe for storage along with the security.

This includes the risk of financial abuse when making a purchase online through an unsecure source. Always check that a site belongs to the company it says it does – if in doubt look for a real world postal address or phone number. You will also find a padlock key in the toolbar (sometimes green), this represents a safe and secure site. If you’re ever unsure, don’t risk it, check with the provider.


5.1 As part of the tutorials curriculum, all learners will undertake awareness lessons in E-Safety. This is further reinforced in all other areas of the curriculum, especially when working with technology.

The key messages from these lessons are:

• The dangers of using the internet both at home and at school

• What to do if they come across inappropriate text or images

• How to stay safe when communicating online

• How to take appropriate action when things go wrong

• How to stay safe when using Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Chat

Roulette etc.

• How to stay safe in chat rooms/discussion forums

• What to do if they are a victim of cyberbullying

• The dangers of ‘sexting’

5.2 We operate filtering systems within our centre which is designed to restrict access to inappropriate sites. This is monitored regularly as some develop ways around these safeguarding blocks. We also have a computer use strategy where all learners are supervised when using our computers/tablets.

5.3 The use of social networking sites is not permitted in lesson times and learners are required to put their mobile phone in the classroom Phone Box.

5.4 As an underpinning message, these are the E-Safety Golden Rules that learners are educated on;

• Never arrange to meet anyone you have met on the web

• Never give out personal information e.g. telephone numbers, address, photos 

• If you come across anything on the web that is inappropriate, tell a member of staff or key worker

• Never use your real name – always a nickname

• Keep your password a secret from others – share passwords with parents/carers so

they can support you

• If you receive a nasty message or picture, report it to a member of staff or key person, block and report them

• Make sure that when using social networking sites, privacy settings are checked so

that not just anyone can see your page/photos

• Only use a webcam with people you know and have met face to face

5.5 Staff are vigilant with students use of social networking sites/technology during down times and will monitor for potential risks including;

• Harassment or online bullying (“cyberbullying”) on the part of the learner or others

• Posting information about themselves that: a) could be used to embarrass or manipulate them; b) could cause psychological harm; c) could be used by criminals to steal their identity or property or – though very rare – determine their physical location to cause physical harm

• Damage to reputation or future prospects because of young people’s own behaviour or that of their peers – unkind or angry posts, compromising photos or videos, or group conflict depicted in text and imagery

• Spending too much time online, losing a sense of balance in their activities

• Exposure to inappropriate content

• Potential for inappropriate contact with adults (parents/guardians need to ensure that social networking does not lead to offline contact unapproved by them and other caring adults in their children's lives).

• Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) which can start on Social Media.


6.1 If a learner chooses to bring their electronic device to the centre, they must adhere to all Green Labyrinth rules relating to such technologies. A breach of these rules will result in sanctions as outlined in the Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy.

6.2 Learners are not permitted to show or share inappropriate or illegal content from their own devices on Green Labyrinth premises. This may result in their phone being confiscated and handed to the Police. 


7.1 If required, a tutor may lecture learners remotely via a video conferencing tool. To promote a safe experience and environment for both learner and tutor, both parties must adhere to the guidelines below: 

  • No 1:1s, groups of 3 or more including the tutor, only

  • Staff and learners must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household

  • Any computers used should be in appropriate areas, for example, not in bedrooms; and where possible be against a neutral background.

  • The live class should be recorded and backed up on the Green Labyrinth cloud, so that if any issues were to arise, the video can be reviewed.

  • Live classes should be kept to a reasonable length of time

  • Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background

All learners must read and sign the ‘Acceptable behaviour agreement for virtual learning’ - found in Appendix Two. 

APPENDIX 1: Acceptable Use/e-Safety Learner Agreement

The aim of the Green Labyrinth ‘Internet Use Statement’ is to protect all parties using the Internet – learners, staff and Green Labyrinth.  
ICT including the internet, learning platforms, email and mobile technologies have become an important part of learning in our college. We expect all learners to be safe and responsible when using any ICT. It is essential that learners are aware of safety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT

Learners are expected to read and sign to say they follow the terms of the agreement. Learners can ask any member of staff if they have concerns or if further explanation is needed. This Acceptable User Agreement is a summary of our eSafety Policy which is available on request.

Failure to sign the Internet User Statement will mean that you may not have access to the Internet from Green Labyrinth.

Green Labyrinth reserves the right to examine or delete any files that may be held on its computer  system or to monitor any Internet sites visited.