Our Vision
Our Core Values
In everything we do we believe that individual’s and businesses grow by challenging their “status quo”; this means challenging the beliefs and norms that drive the internal perceptions of our own abilities and potential to grow. In so doing we wish to challenge the perceived wisdoms that binds us all and restricts the pursuit of our dreams. We wish everyone to have the ability to pursue a “life less ordinary”!
As a company we believe that we can all think differently about ourselves, expand our own horizons, have fulfilling jobs, and live in a reality where our dreams become achievable; in that way we will all truly begin to live lives less ordinary. The key to unlock our new realities is “learning”.
Our driving purpose, our reason for being, is to enable and encourage our customers and clients to challenge their own “status quo”
We do this by designing and producing innovative and flexible, accessible and meaningful, forthright and personalised learning experiences which have been designed to help us all grow and prosper.
We just happen to provide great education and training programmes on the way …….. oh ….and we do it properly!
Our core values articulate how we do training properly. They articulate the ideals that we, as a company, aspire to hold ourselves accountable for and offer guidance as how we expect our staff to behave in carrying out our mission and realising our vision.
The following core operating values define Green Inc as an effective organisation serving a wide variety of clients and customers:
Honesty – Green Inc leadership holds honesty to be the pre-requisite characteristic of our company above all else. We accept that we will make mistakes from time to time – this is how we grow. We will not chastise honest mistakes but hold firmly that a mistake becomes “dishonest” if it is covered up, ignored, repeated or malicious. We hold fast in the basic assumption that there is no place for dishonesty in our company.
Responsiveness – We will find solutions that meet the needs and preferences of our clients, customers and stakeholders. Where we can’t meet these needs we will refer our clients to other providers – this is a fundamental cornerstone of our customer driven ethos.
Respectfulness – Green Inc understands that our clients and customers have a choice. We will honour and respect that choice.
Bespoke – Green Inc knows that client and customer needs vary significantly and can change over time; we always seek to understand these and co-create the right programme to support the development of both – recognising that this may mean that our solutions may not be appropriate.
Integrity and Accountability – Green Inc expects the highest level of integrity in its administrative, service, and outreach activities; we tie these activities directly to our mission, and we maintain and report our records accurately. Our core process is the delivery of skills training and learning and we understand that this forms the backbone of our business.
“State of the Art Practices” –we continually strive to provide excellence; this means high quality, state-of the-art approaches and facilities to maximise our learners opportunity.
Partnerships – Green Inc regards “partnership” working as a fundamental to delivering our vision and we will work constructively with a wide variety of partners and stakeholders to maintain currency of our products and services.
Sustainability – Green Inc believes its work as an educator and business service provider will be needed for many years into the future. Therefore, we strive to deliver on our mission with thoughtful strategic choices that ensure we have sufficient financial resources.
We have refined this into a set of core behaviours we believe will be essential to our success and is encoded in the RAISE acronym:
- Responsibility – means accepting the duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete any task that you agree to fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.
- Accountability – means accepting the obligations of our role in the company and accounting for our activities, maintaining our professional competence and delivering on the performance expectations of our clients and customers.
- Integrity – means ensuring adherence to the an ethical business “code of conduct’, that reflects a transparent honesty and complete harmony in what we think, says, and do.
- Sustainability – means being responsive to the changing business environment ensuring our services and product remain relevant to our clients and stakeholders.
- Engagement – means continuously striving to deliver the covenant we have made with our clients and customers so that we meet our mutual obligations to each other.
The RAISE Framework provides guidance for individual employees and helps us drive forward a culture of high performance, high quality, high integrity expectation within our business.
The company believes passionately that we will all strive to “Raise our game” – this is prerequisite of being part of the Green Inc family.