Green Labyrinth

How To Regain Missing Motivation!

Motivation is the main driver to any activity in our lives. It’s what we need to give us that ‘get up and go’ and complete the tasks at hand. A lack of motivation can be the biggest obstacle when it comes to ticking those things off your to-do list! So, in this blog we are going to be giving you all the best tips for how to regain your lost motivation & make sure it sticks around!
Green Labyrinth

Green Labyrinth Newsletter July 2021

APPRENTICESHIPS | E-LEARNING | LEARNER LOANSJuly 2021Welcome to the Green Labyrinth Newsletter!Government incentives for employers to hire apprentices has been doubled until 30th September 2021!DID YOU KNOW any new member of staff who started
Green Labyrinth

Coronavirus Update

Step 4 of the roadmap out of lockdown will go ahead from Monday 19 July! At Step 4, the Government will remove the final restrictions on social contact and life events, and