Complaints Policy


The Aim of this policy is to detail how the company deals with complaints of issues arising from the provision of our services. In dealing with complaints and issues Green Labyrinth will:

   take into account the Equality and Diversity Policy

   take into account of the Appeals Policy

   ensure students and employers are aware of the companies complaints policy and also those of the awarding bodies and the ESFA.

   comply with the awarding bodies complaints policy and procedure

   deal swiftly and fairly with complaints to the best of its ability

Making a complaint

Complainants should provide the following information to Green Labyrinth to enable speedy handling of the complaint and ensure that proper records are kept, including:

   name and contact details of the complainant

   description of the complaint

   names of persons involved with the complaint, including all of those who have already dealt with the complaint

   details of any papers, letters, emails that are relevant to the complaint

Complaints should be forwarded to the Quality Manager using

Dealing with a complaint

In dealing with the complaint Green Labyrinth will respect the confidentiality of the complainant and will comply with whistle blowing and equality legislation.

The Quality Manager will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within one week. The Company will always try and resolve the complaint or issue amicably and conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint within four weeks of receipt of the complaint or issue. 

Meetings to investigate the complaint will involve the Quality Manager and/or a Company Director, the complainant, a friend or supporter of the complainant if appropriate, and a representative of any person or Employer organisation referred to in the complaint. 

Written records will be kept of the meeting(s).  At the conclusion of the investigation the Company will provide the complainant with a report stating:

   whether the complaint is upheld or rejected

   the actions Green Labyrinth will take in response to the complaint

   any compensation or redress that is offered

   the formal response to the details of the complaint

Right of Further Referral

The complainant is at liberty to lodge a further grievance if they are dissatisfied with the report and may refer their complaint to the Awarding Organisation or Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) if they believe that the Managing Director of Green Labyrinth is unable to deal with their complaint.

If the Complainant is not happy with they outcome of our complaints process they are to be advised that they can make a formal complaint directly to the ESFA.

Complaints Team 

Education and Skills Funding Agency 

Cheylesmore House 

Quinton Road 
