This statement outlines the support Green Labyrinth will provide to students using the 16 to 19 tuition fund. We have made application for this fund to help our students catch up on learning which may have been missed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.
Students will be eligible for support if:
- They are 16 -19 and have not achieved a grade five or above in English and/or maths at GCSE. Particular consideration will be given if the student has not received a four in either maths or English.
- The student has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) particularly where disruption to education has been intensified by their individual needs.
The fund will aid support to our students to diagnose gaps, catch up and close identified gaps in learning that may have been enhanced by the COVID-19 lockdown. The fund will be used for small group and 1:1 tuition in English, Maths, and vocational learning for 16 to 19-year-old learners. This tuition will be in addition to the planned study programme hours.
Small group support sessions will be provided to three to five students per group, focusing on areas where the students, identified as needing the support, have been disadvantaged due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns.
These additional support sessions will be added to the planned hours of a student’s programme. The type of support offered will be based on an individual needs assessment of the student.
Support provided include may include but not be limited to:
- Academic skills support and development
- Additional workshop sessions where workshop access was missed during lockdown
- Maths and English skills sessions
- GCSE revision workshops and functional skills assessment preparation support
- Sessions focussed on gaining technical knowledge which may have been missed during lockdown
Green Labyrinth is committed to providing support for students using the 16-19 tuition fund to remove potential attainment gaps created due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. To demonstrate its commitment and intent, Green Labyrinth:
· Make this statement to indicate how it plans to use the tuition fund
· Publish this statement on the College website
· Record the use of the funding, including reference to the individual students that receive the support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered, and retain the necessary evidence of the tuition provided
· Deliver the extra tuition and spend the associated funding in the 2020 to 2021 academic year
· Notify ESFA of any unspent funding from this fund for it to be reclaimed.