This pack contains the most important sections of all the policies that you need to understand, read and agree to. If you would like to see the full version, please ask your tutor.
By signing Our Charter, you are signing to say you understand and agree to follow the expectations of each policy and what happens if the policy is not followed.
If you have any questions, please ask a member of staff.
Page Number
Page Heading
Page 2
Our Charter – The 3 Rs
Page 3-4
Page 5-6
Page 7
Mobile Phone Agreement
Page 8-9
Page 10
Fire Evacuation Procedure
Page 10
CCTV Agreement
Page 11
Data Processing Statement
Page 12
Privacy Notice
Page 13
Photo Consent
Page 14
IT User Agreement

2.1 Green Labyrinth’s safeguarding objectives are:
• To provide a safe environment for children, young people and adults in which to work, learn and take part in social and recreational activity
• To identify people who are experiencing, or likely to experience significant harm, providing support and taking appropriate action with the objective of producing positive outcomes for those people
• To foster, promote and maintain a genuine feeling of safety throughout the College via the curriculum, pastoral support and appropriate working practices through the promotion of a college ethos where everyone feels secure, valued and listened to
• To take action, where appropriate, to safeguard the person through working in partnership with other agencies
• To educate all students and staff in safeguarding and child protection issues so that they become more aware and confident in dealing with issues relating to those matters.
Here at the Green labyrinth, we care about the safety of our Learners. If you have any concerns about your well-being or safety, or that of a fellow student, then you should talk to your Learning Mentor / Tutor / Teacher or a trusted member of staff. Or you can speak directly to the safeguarding team.
If you need help or support when the Green Labyrinth is closed, you can contact one of the following helplines:
• Contact Swindon – 01793 464646 contactswindon@swindon.gov.uk
• Wiltshire County Council children’s social care – 0300 456 0108
• Wiltshire County Council out of hours safeguarding – 0300 456 0100
• West Berkshire Council children’s services – 01635 503090
• Gloucestershire County Council children’s services – 01452 42 65 65
• Oxfordshire County Council children and family information service – 0345 2412487
Prevent Duty
Under the Prevent Duty, we have a legal duty to highlight the dangers of radicalisation and involvement with violent extremist ideas. We are conscious to balance this with our responsibility to promote freedom of expression. It is not about preventing Learners from having political and religious views and concerns, but about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways.
Here at Green Labyrinth all our members of staff have mandatory training on the Prevent Duty. Our learning tutors use resources to highlight to students the dangers of radicalisation and in particular online grooming. If you have any concerns, please contact the Safeguarding Team: safeguarding@greenlabyrinth.uk You can also report terrorism related content to the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit. Other sources of support are:
• Childline – 0800 1111
• The Mix – Essential Support for under 25s – 0808 808 4994
• Kooth
• On your Mind
• Samaritans – Call for free on 116 123
• The Hopeline – Free confidential chat and other online support resources for topics like depression, anxiety, addiction, self-harm, abuse, and more – 0800 068 4141
Contact Name
Contact Details
Teresa Tuffin – Head of Safeguarding (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Joanna Robson – Learning Mentor (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Laura Hall – Learning Mentor (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Tel: 01793 236245 – Ext 4002
Tel: 01793 236245 – Ext 4014
Tel: 01793 236245 – Ext 4014
3. Identity Badges
It is a requirement that all staff, learners and visitors visibly wear ID badges on site.
Do not allow people who do not have a lanyard and who you do not know into the building.
Please ask questions in your Safeguarding Tutorial!
4.1 Behaviour is fundamental to creating a positive learning environment. Green Labyrinth places great emphasis on the following 3 core principles for all learners and staff:
Readiness, Responsibility & Respect
Learning will thrive in an environment where learners are ready to learn and behave responsibly and respectfully. Alternatively, if there is a lack of readiness, responsibility and respect, there will be an impact on learning.
4.2 Readiness
Readiness refers to being prepared for learning. Green Labyrinth expects all of its learners to arrive on time, approach their learning with a positive attitude, engage fully with lesson content, ask for help and support if required, work collaboratively, make full use of their lesson time, respect break and lunch times and be fully equipped for their programmes. Green Labyrinth is able to provide equipment for learning if required.
As part of the 3Rs, learners agree to not use their phone for personal use during lessons. It is to be off or on silent and in their bag. Tutors may allow use of phones
to support learning only. Learners will be given an M3 as part of the Mediation Process if they use their phone without specific instruction.
Green Labyrinth will not be responsible for the learner’s phone and learners will sign an agreement to accept sole responsibility for their phone on site and to use it responsibly. Please see Appendix Three.
Relevant policies for Readiness are: Learner Attendance & Plagiarism.
4.3 Responsibility
Responsibility refers to being responsible for learning, wellbeing and safety. Learners are expected to use the building, equipment and resources safely and within set guidelines. Learners are to understand and know the safeguarding procedures and what to do in the case of an emergency. They are expected to be responsible for their own conduct and understand the rewards and mediation processes.
Relevant policies for Responsibility are Safeguarding & PREVENT, Fire Evacuation, Learner Behaviour, Assessment & Plagiarism and E-Safety.
4.4 Respect
Respect refers to the compassionate treatment of others, equipment and the environment. Learners are expected to uphold British Values and respect difference in others. The building, equipment and resources are to be used correctly, shared and kept tidy. Patience and kindness are encouraged as part of Respect.
Relevant policies for Respect are: Learner Equality & Diversity.
4.5 Our Charter
Learners must sign Our Charter and agree to upholding the 3 Rs. This charter forms the basis of our rewards and sanctions processes. A learner’s induction will cover the main policies and sign Our Charter.
Green Labyrinth staff will always look to recognise and reward the 3Rs. This may be through:
• Positive verbal comments/praise
• Awarding of house points
• End of term and year awards and prizes; Individual and House
• Certificates and prizes for good attendance
• These rewards are for learners to earn, not lose
6.1 All staff and learners will be aware of Green Labyrinth’s mediation process. It forms part of staff and learner inductions, and it is displayed in every classroom. When a learner does not follow Our Charter and prevents learning, essentially breaching Our Charter, staff will follow the Mediation Process to give the learner a chance to redeem themselves.
Your tutor will show you the Mediation Process and explain it in detail.
8.5 Prohibited Items
Any case of prohibited Items or substance use on the premises will result in immediate suspension and an investigation by the Head will be conducted prior to continuing lessons.
In cases where illegal items are brought on site, intel will be shared with relevant organisations, such as the police. In some instances, the police may be called to attend Milton Road.
Prohibited items are:
• Knives and weapons
• Alcohol
• Illegal drugs
• Stolen items (from an external source or a fellow learner)
• Fireworks
• Pornographic images
• Extremist materials
• Legal Highs
• Drug related paraphernalia
• Any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause personal injury or damage to property
Dear Learner,
As part of the 3Rs, you agree to not use your phone for personal use during lessons. It is to be off or on silent and in your bag. This allows full concentration and engagement in your lessons.
Your tutor may allow you to use your phone only to support your learning. Do not use it unless you have been specifically instructed to.
If you do use your phone, you will be given an M3 as part of the Mediation Process.
I, …………………………………………………. accept the Green Labyrinth Mobile Phone Agreement and understand that I am solely responsible for my mobile phone on site. I agree to not use my phone in class unless for learning purposes as instructed by my tutor.
Signed:....................................................... Date:.......................................................
4.1 Learners are expected to achieve 100% attendance.
4.2 Regular and consistent attendance at Green Labyrinth is essential for learner success and achievement.
4.3 Each case of learner absenteeism will be treated individually as there may be a wide range of issues impacting on attendance.
4.4 In all cases, it is the responsibility of members of staff and the learner to comply with the policy and the procedures. Both staff and learners should be fully aware of the implications of failure to comply with the policy.
4.5 Green Labyrinth understands that there are valid reasons for learner absence, such as illness, bereavement or medical appointments. You must inform the college of any future absences.
5.1 Learners
• Learners report any absence to Green Labyrinth by phone, text or email. The email is studyprogrammes@greenlabyrinth.co.uk, or you can call on 01793 236245 or text 07886 258319
• Learners should inform their tutor or a member of the admin team if they know of any period of absence in advance
• Absences on grounds of ill health which are greater than 7 days will require a medical certificate. These arrangements apply to both face-to-face teaching sessions and to remote learning.
• Learners expecting prolonged absenteeism are advised to speak to their mentor to discuss the possibility of alternative study arrangements and learner support.
5.3.1 Attendance Ranking
A learner’s attendance will be reported on using the following:
Percentage Attendance
0 – 84
85 – 89
90 – 94
95 – 100
Dark Green
5.3.2 Attendance Monitoring
The Office Manager will monitor attendance manually for the first term. Green Labyrinth plans to monitor attendance electronically on the CRM from January 2025.
Five underlying principles will be adopted for attendance monitoring:
1. All staff will build attendance requirement and arrangements into the induction process for all new learners.
2. Each learner will be treated individually.
3. A message will be sent to the parent/carer as well as the learner themselves when they are absent.
4. Intervention will begin once a learner’s attendance drops below 90%. From 2025, electronic reports will flag up poor attendance per week to appropriate staff.
5. All teaching staff will maintain registers and logs with details of learners’ non-engagement in face-to-face and/ or remote learning.
When a learner’s attendance falls below 90%, their mentor has 3 options:
• Option A: No action required
Mentor will address attendance with learner and continue to monitor attendance.
• Option B: Disciplinary action
Attendance information gathered by staff does not indicate that health issues or personal circumstances are preventing the learner from attending. In this case the mentor will:
a. issue a ‘verbal warning’ to the learner.
b. send details of attendance to parent, carer and the learner.
c. start 2-week attendance report
• Option C: Fitness to study
Information gathered by staff raises health issues and/or personal circumstances which are genuinely preventing the learner from attending their programme of study. In this case the mentor will:
a. inform the Head of Study Programme and Office Manager with details on why the ‘Fitness to Study’ policy should be activated.
b. decide action required to support learner and meet compliance requirements. A 1:1 with Careers Coach, a second attendance report or an alternative placement may be options to consider.
5.5 Learners not adhering to the Attendance Policy
• A learner failing to meet a minimum of 64% attendance may risk not being entered for examinations or external assessment (this is at the discretion of Green Labyrinth).
• A learner enrolled in year one of a two-year course may not be allowed to progress to year two, (this is at the discretion of Green Labyrinth).
• In line with Our Charter, the learner may be placed on Attendance Report by their mentor and Head of Study Programme. The aim of this is to enable progression to the next steps of learning
• Parents/carers of learners will be contacted informing them of the attendance concerns and will be invited to a meeting to discuss the attendance of the learner in accordance with Our Charter.
• A student who disregards the attendance expectations will have their place escalated to serious review.
Fire Evacuation Plan for Green Labyrinth
Emergency Evacuation Plan for: Green Labyrinth, 1 Milton Road, Swindon, SN1 5JE.
Upon hearing the sound of the alarm, which will either be a continuously ringing bell, a continuous warning siren or a member of staff informing you of an emergency, all learners and staff are to evacuate the building.
Escape routes are down the main staircases (not the lift as this will not work in the event of the alarm being activated) or down the fire escape stairs (access is available from each floor).
The Fire Assembly point is out the back of the building, opposite the car park (the alleyway between the two buildings into town).
I have read the above information and understand what to do and where to go in case of fire.
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Learner Agreement to Green Labyrinth’s CCTV Policy
I understand that Green Labyrinth have CCTV inside and outside the building to:
• Keep staff and learners safe
• Check all details and reports are correct if an incident occurs
• Support police in identifying potential offenders
• Support in disciplinary proceedings against staff and learners
• Reassure parents
• Assist with any meetings called by the local council
• Follow police recommendations
• I understand that by being a learner at Milton Road, I will be filmed (picture and voice) on CCTV
• I understand that any recordings of myself are kept securely stored online by Green Labyrinth and deleted after 30 days in line with Data Protection Act 2018
• I understand that this footage is only shared with other agencies (I.e. police) for the reasons above
• I understand that I can contact the Data Protection Officer to request access to CCTV images of myself in line with Data Protection Act 2018.
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Data Processing – Student Statement to Read
Green Labyrinth collects, holds and processes personal data relating to its students. It is essential for us to do so in order to manage our operations effectively.
The data held by Green Labyrinth is mainly taken from the details you provide during the application and enrolment process, to which will be added data that accumulates during and after your studies at Green Labyrinth. This may include sensitive personal data such as photographs.
We will collect personal data to help provide services to you and meet certain legal requirements. This personal data may include data such as name, address, date of birth, programme studied and information about examinations, assessments and results. In addition to this, Green Labyrinth may process some sensitive personal data about you, such as details about your health in order to provide care and information concerning ethnicity, gender identity and domicile and disability for planning and monitoring purposes.
Green Labyrinth may disclose appropriate personal data, including sensitive personal data, to third parties, where this is a need or obligation. Such disclosure is subject to procedures to ensure the identity and legitimacy of such agencies. These third parties may include the following: other educational organisations; Higher Education institutions; local council; internal published information (e.g. notice boards); Police; Social Services; any other agency or individual involved in providing your care or education.
• I have read the above information and understand that my personal information is kept confidential and securely stored by Green Labyrinth.
• It has been made clear to me that this information will be kept by Green Labyrinth after the completion off my course for planning and monitoring purposes.
• I understand that this information will be solely used for educational, pastoral and medical purposes while I am in learning.
• I am aware that this information may be shared with third parties if required.
• I understand that this information will be shared with funding partners
• I will inform Green Labyrinth of any changes to this information as soon as possible and supply the required paperwork and proof.
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Privacy Notice – Students to Sign
Green Labyrinth are the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. We collect information from you and may receive information about you from your previous school. We hold this personal data and use it to:
• Support your teaching and learning
• Monitor and report on your progress
• Provide appropriate pastoral care
• Assess appropriate progression routes
This information includes your contact details, assessment results, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic groups, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.
We will not give information about you to anyone outside of Green Labyrinth without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it. We are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority (LA) and the Department for Education (DfE). We must also pass on relevant information to our various funding partners.
If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about you then please contact Neil Parry on 01793 236245.
• I have read the above information and understand that my personal information is kept confidential and securely stored by Green Labyrinth.
• It has been made clear to me that this information will be kept by Green Labyrinth after the completion of my course for planning and monitoring purposes.
• I understand that this information will be solely used for educational, pastoral and medical purposes while I am in learning.
• I am aware that this information may be shared with third parties if required.
• I understand that this information will be shared with funding partners
• I will inform Green Labyrinth of any changes to this information as soon as possible and supply the required paperwork and proof.
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Consent to use photography for special purposes
In order to comply with GDPR in respect of personal data, we need to ask for your consent to be photographed (including digital and video images) where we propose to use the images for publicity purposes. This includes the possibility of posting them on Green Labyrinth’s / Green Inc website, in brochures or in parts of Green Labyrinth to which the public has access. You can withdraw this consent at any time.
The pictures will not be used for any other purpose than those stated above.
I do / do not consent to appearing in pictures taken for inclusion in Green Labyrinth’s website/ brochure/displays etc (Please delete as appropriate).
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Acceptable IT Use/e-Safety Learner Agreement
The aim of the Green Labyrinth ‘Internet Use Statement’ is to protect all parties using the Internet – learners, staff and Green Labyrinth.
• I will only use ICT systems in college, including the internet, e-mail, digital video, mobile technologies, etc. for learning purposes.
• I will not download or install software on college technology.
• I will only log on to Green Labyrinth network/Learning Platform with my own username and password.
• I will follow Green Labyrinth’s ICT security system including regularly changing passwords and not reveal my passwords to anyone.
• I will make sure that all ICT communications with fellow learners, teachers or others are responsible and sensible.
• I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the internet. This includes resources I access and the language I use.
• I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across such material, I will report it immediately to my tutor.
• I will not give out any personal information such as name, phone number or address to unknown people online.
• Images of fellow learners and/or staff will only be taken, stored and used for college purposes in line with policy and not distributed outside Green Labyrinth network without the permission of the Centre Manager.
• I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside college will not cause my college, the staff, fellow students or others distress or bring them into disrepute.
• I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system.
• I understand that all my use of the Internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
• I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, college sanctions will be applied and my parent/carer may be contacted.
ICT including the internet, learning platforms, email and mobile technologies have become an important part of learning in our college. We expect you to be safe and responsible when using any ICT. It is essential that you are aware of safety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT.
You are expected to read and sign to say you follow the terms of agreement. You can ask any member of staff if you have concerns or if further explanation is needed. This Acceptable User Agreement is a summary of our eSafety Policy which is available on request.
Failure to sign the Internet User Statement will mean that you may not have access to the Internet from Green Labyrinth.
Green Labyrinth reserves the right to examine or delete any files that may be held on its computer system or to monitor any internet sites visited.
I have read the above information and understand the responsibility I have when using the internet within lesson time. I understand that Green Labyrinth will take necessary action if I misuse the internet.
Full name: (Learner) ______________________________
Signed: (Learner) ______________________________
DATE: ______________________________________