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Green Labyrinth Training 
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

Contact Details and Company Role 


Study Programme:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Teresa Tuffin 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Joanna Robson

Lorraine Kral

Laura Hall

Tel: 01793 236245


1. Definitions

2. Introduction

3. Equalities Statement

4. Overall Aims

5. Expectations

6. Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead

7. Role of Board of Directors

8. Training

9. Safer Recruitment

10. Staff Support

11. Support for Children

12. Whole Provider Approach

13. Identification of those at Increased Risk, or have Additional Safeguarding Needs

14. Extra Familial harm – risk outside the home

15. Allegation Management


1. Reporting concerns

2. Involving parents and carers

3. Multi-agency working

4. Escalation/Professional disagreement

5. Exclusions

6. Private fostering arrangements

7. Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation

8. Children missing from education

9. Child on child abuse/ Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children

10. Serious Violence

11. The Prevent Duty

12. Sharing Information

13. Transfer of Safeguarding Records when a child leaves Green Labyrinth


Appendix A - Forms of abuse and neglect

Appendix B - Concerns About a Child

Appendix C - Concerns About a Member of Staff

Appendix D - Dealing with a disclosure of abuse

Appendix E - Local contact numbers


This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies

  • • Behaviour

  • • Recruitment and Selection

  • • Whistleblowing

  • • Code of Conduct for Staff/ Staff Behaviour Policy

  • • Anti-Bullying - Child on Child Abuse

  • • Health and Safety

  • • GDPR – UK Data Protection 2018

1. Definitions

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 as:
Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge; protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online; preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Child Protection is defined as activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suspected to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm. This includes harm that occurs inside or outside the home, including online.2 Action is required to protect that child.

Safeguarding Adults is defined in Care and Support Statutory Guidance as: protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. This must recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.

The principles and procedures for safeguarding adults – i.e. those aged 18 or over – are largely the same in terms of how they will impact on the decisions of members of staff from Green Labyrinth. However, the laws regarding adults and their capacity to make decisions about themselves, differs from the protection of children.

Members of staff will therefore be advised to make ‘no names’ referrals to members of the Green Labyrinth Safeguarding Team when their concern relates to anyone aged 18 or over. The DSL or their deputy will then ascertain from the member of staff whether there are children in the scenario who may also be at risk, before contacting the relevant external agency to seek guidance on the situation.

2. Introduction

At Green Labyrinth, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone at Green Labyrinth who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. Green Labyrinth recognises that we are an important part in the wider safeguarding system.

All staff will understand and recognise that a one size fits all approach is not appropriate for all children and a more personalised or contextualised approach for more vulnerable children, children who are victims of abuse and some SEND children may be needed. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all staff will make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they will consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

The safety and welfare of all learners and staff at Green Labyrinth is of paramount importance. Everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.

Green Labyrinth has an expectation that all staff have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by:

  • • The provision of a safe environment in which children and young people can learn

  • • Reporting any concerns about a child’s welfare, to a member of the Green Labyrinth Safeguarding Team, or in an emergency to the Police or Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub - MASH (or equivalent)

  • • Supporting social workers and other agencies following any referral

  • • Fulfilling our statutory responsibilities to identify children who may need early help at any point of their life

  • • Working to protect children from maltreatment, to prevent the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development

  • • Always taking appropriate action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

All action taken by Green Labyrinth will be in accordance with current legislation and Statutory guidance:

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) which sets out the multiagency working arrangements to help, protect and promote the welfare of children up until the age of 18. In addition it sets out the statutory roles and all the legal responsibilities for many organisations including Health, Local Authorities and Police.

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024) is statutory guidance issued by the Department for Education which all schools and colleges must have regard to when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The Teacher Standards (2011) state that teachers, including head teachers, should safeguard children’s wellbeing and maintain public trust in the teaching profession as part of their professional duties.

All staff have a duty and responsibility to safeguard children and young people attending Green Labyrinth, irrespective of their role by:

  • • Being responsible for identifying concerns early and providing help for children and young people, to prevent concerns from escalating to a point where intervention would be needed via a statutory assessment under the Children Act 2004; i.e. Section 17 (Children in Need) and Section 47 (a child suffering harm, or likely to suffer significant harm). These concerns will be discussed with our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or one of their Deputies

  • • Ensuring they are aware of who the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are. The Designated Safeguarding lead provides support to staff to carry out safeguarding duties and will closely liaise with other services such as local authorities' children’s social care

  • • Being aware of the systems within Green Labyrinth which support safeguarding including this policy, the behaviour policy, staff behaviour policy and the safeguarding response to children who go missing from education within the Attendance Policy

  • • Being aware of the local early help process and understand their role within it

  • • Contributing to the Early Help Assessment and Plan as requested

  • • Being aware of the process and principles for sharing information, which supports safeguarding

  • • Being aware that safeguarding incidents and/or behaviours can be associated with factors outside the college and/or can occur between children outside of these environments. Extra-familial harms take a variety of different forms and children can be vulnerable to multiple harms including (but not limited to) sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, radicalisation and serious youth violence.

The most important consideration is whether sharing information is likely to safeguard and protect a child. Any staff member who has a concern about a child’s welfare should follow our referral processes.

3. Equalities Statement

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognise children’s and families’ diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children have the same protection, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, age, sex, sexuality, race, disability and religion. With regards to safeguarding we will consider our duties under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to making reasonable adjustments, non-discrimination and our Equality Duties.

All staff will recognise that a child being subjected to harassment, violence and/or abuse, including that of a sexual nature, may breach any or all of these rights.

4. Overall Aims

This policy will contribute to the safeguarding of learners at Green Labyrinth by:

  • • Clarifying standards of behaviour for staff and learners

  • • Contributing to the establishment of a safe, resilient and robust safeguarding ethos, built on mutual respect, and shared values

  • • Teaching learners about safeguarding, including online safety, as part of broad and balanced curriculum

  • • Alerting staff to the signs and indicators of safeguarding issues including abuse and neglect

  • • Ensuring early help and support is provided to children who are showing signs of being drawn into anti-social behaviour or criminal behaviour, including gang involvement and association with organised crime groups or county lines

  • • Developing staff awareness of the causes and consequences of abuse and neglect

  • • Developing staff awareness of the risks and vulnerabilities their learners face

  • • Reducing the potential risks learners face of being exposed to violence, extremism, exploitation or victimisation

  • • Working in partnership with learners, parents and agencies.

This policy will contribute to supporting the learners at Green Labyrinth by:

  • • Identifying and protecting the most vulnerable

  • • Taking a contextual safeguarding approach to understanding the risks presenting to children outside the family home, taking into consideration extra familial harm

  • • Taking seriously the risks presented to children by children, with particular vigilance for child-on-child sexual harassment and sexual violence

  • • Assessing individual needs where possible

  • • Designing plans to meet those needs.

5. Expectations

All staff will:

  • • Be familiar with Green Labyrinth’s safeguarding policy. In addition to this, all staff will be aware of the systems in place which support safeguarding including; Behaviour Policy, Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy, Staff Behaviour Policy (Code of Conduct); safeguarding response to children who go missing from education; and the identity and role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and their deputies (DDSLs)

  • • Receive appropriate Safeguarding and Child protection training including in online safety. As part of online safety, they will understand the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities relating to filtering and monitoring at induction. The training is updated annually.

  • • Receive safeguarding and child protection updates as required via the Safeguarding Bulletin and other appropriate means during each academic year

  • • Be subject to Safer Recruitment processes and checks, whether they are new staff, supply staff, contractors or volunteers

  • • Will read and understand Part 1 of the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (most recent year). Those working directly with children will also read Annex B

  • • Be involved, where appropriate, in the implementation of individual education programmes, integrated support plans, child in need plans and inter-agency child protection plans

    • Know who they are and how to contact the DSL and any deputies

  • • Be alert to signs and indicators of possible abuse and/or neglect, or risk of harm and be able to identify vulnerable learners and take action to keep them safe

  • • Recognise that these signs and indicators can overlap

    • Understand what to do should a child tell them they are being abused, exploited, or neglected; Staff will manage the requirement to maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality by involving only those who need to be involved. Staff will never promise a child that they will not tell anyone about a report of any form of abuse.

    • Staff will understand that children may not be ready or know how to make a disclosure, and/or they may not recognise their experiences as harmful

    • Act with professional curiosity and speak to the DSL if they have concerns about a child

    • Have an awareness of safeguarding issues that can put children at risk of harm such as drug taking and/or alcohol misuse, deliberately missing education, serious violence (including that linked to county lines), radicalisation and consensual and non-consensual sharing of nude or semi-nude images

    • Be clear as to the policy and procedures with regard to children requiring mental health support

    • Record concerns appropriately and in a timely manner by using the setting’s safeguarding systems

    • Be aware of the need to raise to the senior leadership team any concerns they have about safeguarding practices within Green Labyrinth

    • Adhere to Green Labyrinth’s Code of Conduct and behaviour management policies

    • Have the skills, knowledge and understanding to keep looked after children and previously looked after children safe

    • Be aware of signs of abuse or neglect and the additional barriers to recognising abuse and neglect in children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those with relevant health conditions and young carers

    • Be aware of their legal responsibility to report cases of FGM to the police. Whilst all staff should speak to the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) with regard to any concerns about female genital mutilation (FGM), there is a specific legal duty on teachers. If a teacher, in the course of their work in the profession, discovers that an act of FGM appears to have been carried out on a girl under the age of 18, the teacher must report this to the police. Those failing to report such cases may face disciplinary sanctions. (KCSIE 2024)
    Regulated professionals have a mandatory reporting duty to report cases of known FGM. Teachers are considered regulated professionals. The duty requires that they themselves report known incidents to the police. This cannot be delegated to the Designated Safeguarding Lead

    • Be aware that up skirting is a criminal offence

    • Be aware of the whistleblowing procedures and policy

    • Be aware that allegations regarding foster carers or anyone in a position of trust working or volunteering with children should be referred to the LADO via the DSL or DDSL on the day that the allegation is reported. The allocated social worker should also be informed on the day. The member of staff should not undertake any investigation unless the LADO advises this.

Where a staff member feels unable to raise an issue with the senior leadership team or feels that their genuine concerns are not being addressed, other whistleblowing channels may be open to them. General guidance on whistleblowing can be found at:

The NSPCC whistleblowing helpline is available for staff who do not feel able to raise concerns regarding child protection failures internally.
Staff can call: 0800 028 0285 – available from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday to Friday Email:

Information or concerns about children will be shared with the DSL where it includes those:

• who need a social worker and may be experiencing abuse or neglect
• requiring mental health support
• who may benefit from early help
• where there is a radicalisation concern
• where there is a risk of exploitation
• where a crime may have been committed
• where there is the potential for child on child abuse/child on child sexual harassment or sexual violence
• where there is potential for risk outside the home

If a child is in immediate danger or is at risk of harm, a referral should be made to Contact Swindon
Telephone: 01793 464646 and/or the police immediately. Anyone can make a referral. Where referrals are not made by the DSL, the DSL should be informed, as soon as possible, that a referral has been made.

6. Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is a senior member of staff, who undertakes lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection within Green Labyrinth. The DSL carries a significant level of responsibility, and they are given time, funding, resources and support to carry out the role effectively.
Details of our DSL and Deputy DSLs can be found on Green Labyrinth’s website or the notice boards around college.

Whilst the activities of the DSL can be delegated to appropriately trained deputies, the ultimate lead responsibility for safeguarding child protection remains with the DSL.

The DSL and DDSLs at Green Labyrinth have the appropriate training, knowledge and skills to carry out this substantive role; this includes training on the Prevent Duty. The safeguarding team at Green Labyrinth understand the importance of providing information and support to children’s social care in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. They also understand the impact that adversity and trauma can have, including on children’s behaviour, mental health and wellbeing.

The broad areas of responsibility for the DSL are:

Liaising with the local authority and other agencies
To hear the voice and views of children, by developing a culture of listening to children, taking account of their wishes and feelings
Ensuring staff understand the difficulties some children may have in approaching staff about their circumstances and fostering a culture within college to overcome any barriers
Providing advice and support to staff regarding child welfare, safeguarding and child protection matters
Liaising with staff, especially teachers, pastoral support staff, IT technicians, special educational needs coordinators and appropriate external professionals eg. school nurses, mental health professionals, on matters of safeguarding and welfare, including online and digital safety
Referring cases and managing referrals to other agencies to ensure a child’s needs are considered holistically including:
the local authority children’s social care in cases of suspected abuse
Wiltshire Prevent Policing team where there is a radicalisation concern
the Disclosure and Barring Service in cases where a person is dismissed or left due to risk/harm to a child and the Police in cases where a crime may have been committed in relation to safeguarding
The DSL will also support and advise other staff in making referrals to other agencies
The DSL will also support and advise other staff in making referrals to other agencies
Liaising with the Senior Leadership Team to inform them of issues - especially ongoing enquiries under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 and police investigations. This should include being aware of the requirement for children to have an Appropriate Adult
Working with others to fulfil statutory responsibilities in relation to children and young people subject to a child protection plan by attending child protection conferences and implementing the multiagency child protection plan; and when required, liaising with the case manager and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) in relation to child protection cases, which concern a staff member
Promoting supportive engagement with parents and/or carers in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including where families may be facing challenging circumstances
Working with relevant staff, including senior leaders, to promote educational outcomes by knowing the welfare, safeguarding and child protection issues that children may be experiencing, or have experienced, and identifying the impact that these issues might be having on children’s attendance, engagement and achievement at Green Labyrinth
Ensuring relevant staff at Green Labyrinth know the cohort of children who have or had a social worker, and they understand the academic progress and attainment whilst maintaining a culture of high aspirations for these children. Advocating for these children with teaching staff, to consider additional academic support or reasonable adjustments to help them to reach their potential
Ensuring staff at Green Labyrinth understand that although statutory intervention may have ended for a child, that there may be a lasting impact on the child’s educational outcomes
Acting as the key point of contact for all matters of safeguarding and advice for staff, volunteers and governors
Undertaking training to ensure the DSL (and any deputies) have the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role (updated annually). Further knowledge and skills should be updated at regular intervals and shared with relevant staff as appropriate
Ensuring every member of staff at Green Labyrinth has access to the safeguarding and child protection policies and associated practices are known, understood and used appropriately.
Providing safeguarding training and understanding of policy and practice for new staff at their induction
Linking with the safeguarding partnership to ensure staff are aware of any training opportunities and the latest local policies on local safeguarding arrangements
Managing safeguarding information confidentially and safely by:
Ensuring that child protection records are kept up to date, and records are clear and comprehensive, that the record contains details of how concerns were followed up and resolved and that records note all actions taken and decisions made including outcomes.
Sharing safeguarding records within 5 days of a child leaving Green Labyrinth or within 5 days of starting a new term with a signed receipt being obtained. The DSL will share information in advance with the DSL at the new education setting prior to the child leaving, to enable support to be available to safeguard the child
Ensuring appropriate safeguarding cover and availability during term time/ any out of hours/out of term activities managed by Green Labyrinth to include support or attending child protection conferences and strategy discussions.

7. Board of Directors’ Responsibilities

The Board of Directors at Green Labyrinth will ensure that there is a whole company approach to safeguarding by ensuring safeguarding is at the forefront and underpins all relevant processes and policies. These systems, policies and processes will be readily available and easy to understand.

The Board of Directors at Green Labyrinth will ensure that a member of staff from the leadership team is appointed to the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). They will also ensure that the DSL has the additional time, funding, training, resources and support they need to carry out this substantial role effectively.

The Board of Directors at Green Labyrinth will ensure:

That safeguarding and child protection practice, process and policy (including online safety) is effective and is compliant with legislation, statutory guidance and local safeguarding arrangements
That safeguarding activities are overseen via regular reports from the DSL to the Senior Leadership Team including a more detailed annual report
That the Section175 (annual safeguarding) audit for the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership is completed by the DSL and signed off by the Board of Directors
That Green Labyrinth has a safeguarding policy and in addition has key policies in place to cover:
Staff behaviour/Code of Conduct
That Green Labyrinth reviews safeguarding policies/procedures annually or as required due to changes in statutory guidance
That where possible more than one emergency contact telephone number is recorded for each learner and this is checked on a regular basis
That there is an appropriately trained Designated staff member appointed to promote the educational achievement for: looked after children; those children who have left care through adoption; special guardianships or child care orders; or were adopted from state care outside England and Wales; and will work with the Virtual School Head
That the staff at Green Labyrinth have the skills, knowledge and understanding to keep looked after children safe
That Green Labyrinth operates “safer recruitment” procedures and ensures that appropriate checks are carried out on all new staff and relevant volunteers. In line with School Staffing Regulations, at least one person on any recruitment panel will have undertaken safer recruitment training
That Green Labyrinth has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff/volunteers
That Green Labyrinth will liaise with the Local Authority Designated Officer, Police and other partner agencies in the event of allegations of abuse being made against the CEO.
That Green Labyrinth will maintain a Single Central Record of relevant pre-employment checks as detailed in KCSIE 2024 and that details of individuals should be removed from the single central record when they leave the employment of Green Labyrinth
That all staff who work with children undergo safeguarding and child protection training, including online safety, at induction and this training is regularly updated
That Green Labyrinth will contribute to multi-agency working in line with statutory guidance (see Working Together to Safeguard Children)
That Green Labyrinth consider their duties as required in the Prevent Duty and has in place a Prevent risk assessment
That the governing body is aware of their obligations under Human Rights Act 1998 and the Public Sector Equality Duty and the Swindon multi agency safeguarding arrangements
That children are taught about safeguarding including online safety
That Green Labyrinth has appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place to support working online, but these will not act as an unreasonable restriction
That Green Labyrinth remedies any safeguarding deficiencies or weaknesses brought to its attention without delay
That where facilities or premises are hired to organisations or individuals that appropriate arrangements are in place to keep children safe. This will include seeking assurances that there are appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in place (inspecting these if needed), including liaising with Green Labyrinth staff if appropriate. These arrangements will be included in any lease or hire agreement.

8. Training

In addition to this policy, all staff working directly with children will read and understand Part One and Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024.

All staff members will receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training on induction. This will be refreshed annually taking into account current key learning points and trends from serious case reviews and local current and emerging issues. In addition, all staff will receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins and staff meetings), as required, but at least annually, to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.

Whistle blowing procedures will be covered in staff training so that staff know what to do if they have concerns relating to safeguarding practice within Green Labyrinth
The DSL and any deputies will undergo training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. The training will be updated annually. Deputies will be trained to the same level as the DSL.
Managers will ensure that all staff members undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction. The training will be regularly updated. Induction and training will be in line with advice from the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership
Green Labyrinth will ensure that at least one person on any appointment panel will have undertaken safer recruitment training
The Designated Teacher appointed to promote the educational achievement of children in care will undergo appropriate training
Online and internet safety training for staff will be integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach

9. Safer Recruitment and Selection

Green Labyrinth has a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of children. At Green Labyrinth we have robust recruitment procedures that deter or prevent people who are unsuitable to work with children from applying or securing employment with us, this includes volunteers.

Green Labyrinth pays full regard to the safer recruitment practices detailed in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2024):
All our advertisements for positions contain safeguarding statements
Adverts, job descriptions and person specifications include safeguarding information relating to regulated activity
the safeguarding policy and associated processes will be provided within the applicant pack
All applications including shortlisting will follow safer recruitment procedures and guidance within KCSIE 2024 which includes pre appointment vetting checks
References will always be obtained, scrutinised and concerns resolved satisfactorily before appointment is confirmed.

All recruitment materials will include reference to Green Labyrinth’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of learners.

10. Staff Support

It is recognised the stressful and traumatic nature of safeguarding and child protection work. Green Labyrinth will support staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the DSL and to seek further support, as appropriate. Further, Green Labyrinth will endeavour to create a robust safeguarding culture and environment, so that staff feel comfortable to discuss matters that occur outside the workplace, which may have implications on their practice to safeguarding of children.

Supervision of Safeguarding Staff

The DDSLs will have regular supervision with the DSL. This will allow them to keep themselves safe in their practice and encourage self - review.

The DSL will have regular external supervision to maintain their own safe practice and ability to supervise others.

11. Support for Children

Opportunities will be provided for Green Labyrinth learners to develop skills, concepts, attitudes and knowledge that promote their safety and wellbeing.

Green Labyrinth understands that if children are at risk or have suffered abuse, that a child will need support and all staff will understand their responsibilities to always act in the best interest of the child.

Children will always be encouraged and supported to report any incidences of abuse to a member of staff who will liaise with the DSL or one of their deputies.

Green Labyrinth will take a zero tolerance approach to any child perpetrating child sexual harassment or sexual violence. Children at Green Labyrinth will never be made to feel ashamed or feel that they are the problem for making a report.

Support for children will be tailored on a case by case basis.

Staff will understand that if a child has experienced abuse, harassment or a sexual assault or are being exploited then they will likely to be traumatised and may struggle in normal classroom environments.

Green Labyrinth will always endeavour to seek the child’s views and if required allocate a designated trusted adult; as far as reasonable this will be the child’s choice.

Green Labyrinth will also consider the needs for support for any alleged perpetrator.

We understand the importance of providing help and support for any child whether they are the victim or the alleged perpetrator, our role is not to judge but provide safeguarding support for all children.

12. Whole Organisation Approach

All policies which address issues of power and potential harm, for example anti-bullying, equality and diversity, positive behaviour, will be linked to ensure we have a whole organisation approach.

Our safeguarding policy cannot be separated from the general ethos of Green Labyrinth, which ensures that learners are treated with respect and dignity, taught to treat each other with respect, feel safe, have a voice, and are listened to.

Staff members working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the best interests of the child.

Identification of those at Increased Risk, or with Additional Safeguarding Needs

Certain groups of learners within Green Labyrinth are more likely to be identified as requiring extra support to meet their safeguarding needs; these could include: children in care and previously looked after children, young carers, those with mental health problems and those living in households where there is domestic abuse, mental health concerns and/or substance misuse, children with parents who are currently in prison etc. Green Labyrinth will take steps to identify those at greater risk, ensure they are regularly monitored and appropriate measures are put in place to support their needs.

Extra familial harm – risk outside the home

Contextual Safeguarding is an approach to understanding, and responding to, young people’s experiences of significant harm beyond their families, extra familial harm/risk outside the home. It recognises that the different relationships that young people form in their neighbourhoods, schools and online can feature violence and abuse. Parents and carers possibly have little influence over these contexts, and young people’s experiences of extra-familial abuse can possibly undermine parent-child relationships. Therefore, staff at Green Labyrinth will be considering the context within which incidents and or behaviours occur, and exercise professional curiosity and any actions taken will consider the safety and wellbeing of the child within this context.

Managing allegations made against members of staff or volunteers

Allegations that meet the harms threshold

All staff should report any concerns relating to members of staff to the DSL without delay. The DSL will report all allegations that meet the harms threshold to the LADO within 24 hours of the allegation having been received.

Where there are concerns/allegations about the CEO, this should be referred to the LADO.

All allegations will be managed in line with the statutory guidance in KCSIE 2024 and the whistleblowing policy.

Where an allegation is of a ‘low level concern’ and it is felt it does not meet any of the harms threshold then Green Labyrinth will ensure KCSIE 2024 processes are followed.

Advice will be sought from Swindon LADO in any instances where it is unsure if the harms threshold has been met.

Where staff feel unable to raise an issue with the DSL or CEO or feel their genuine safeguarding concerns are not being addressed NSPCC whistleblowing advice line is available.

Staff can call 08000 28 0285 – 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday to Friday and email: . Alternatively, staff can write to: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH.


1. Reporting Concerns

The procedure to respond to a concern about a child is detailed in Appendix B.
Members of staff with a concern about a learner or who have received a disclosure from a learner should inform the DSL or one of their deputies as soon as possible.

2. Involving Parents and Carers

In general, the DSL (or one of their deputies) will discuss any child protection concerns with parents/carers before making a referral to another agency including the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). There may be occasions when the DSL will contact another agency before informing parents/carers because they consider that by contacting them it may increase the risk of harm to the child.

The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation do not prevent the sharing of information for the purposes of keeping children safe and promoting their welfare. Fears about sharing information must not be allowed to stand in the way of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

3. Multi Agency Working

Staff at Green Labyrinth understand the importance of our role to work in partnership with other agencies and that we have a shared and equal duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. If there are safeguarding or child protection concerns, referrals should be made by the DSL (or Deputy DSL) to MASH by phone (01793 466903 out of hours 01793 436699) following up with a referral on a Request for Help and Support online form (formally known as RF1).

Where the child already has a social worker, the request for service should go immediately to the social worker involved or, in their absence, to their team manager.
If there is immediate risk or where rape of a child has been disclosed then a call must be made to Police.
At Green Labyrinth all staff will understand the age and meaning of consent.

Further information can be found here Sexual harassment and sexual violence between children

Green Labyrinth will co-operate with any child protection enquiries including statutory safeguarding assessments conducted by children’s social care: Green Labyrinth will ensure representation at single and multi-agency meetings such as integrated support plan meetings, initial and review child protection conferences and core group meetings.

Where a learner/student is subject to a multi-agency child protection plan or a multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC) meeting, Green Labyrinth will contribute to any information requests.

4. Escalation/professional disagreement

Green Labyrinth will use the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Policy on resolution of professional disagreements relating to safeguarding and protection of children in all cases where escalation is required, to achieve the right outcome for children.

Escalation policy - Swindon Safeguarding Partnership

5. Exclusions

When Green Labyrinth is considering excluding, either fixed term or permanently, a vulnerable learner and / or a learner who is the subject of a child protection plan, is a child looked after or where there are safeguarding concerns, Green Labyrinth will follow the local authority procedures. A contextual safeguarding risk assessment will be conducted prior to any exclusion.

6. Private Fostering Arrangements

Where Green Labyrinth staff become aware that a learner may be in a private fostering arrangement, where a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) is provided with care and accommodation by someone who is not a close relative, for 28 days or more, they should raise this, in the first instance, with the DSL. The DSL will notify the local authority of the circumstances to enable the local authority to discharge their duties.

7. FGM Reporting Guidance

Mandatory reporting duty for teachers

All staff, particularly teachers at Green Labyrinth have a duty to report to the Police where they discover that FGM appears to have been carried out on a girl under the age of 18. It will be rare for teachers to see visual evidence, and they should not be examining learners.

Staff at Green Labyrinth understand that if there is a suspicion that a girl may be travelling for the purposes of FGM, the teacher or DSL will report this directly to Police as the child may be in immediate risk of harm.

Phone 101 if a known case (999 if the child is in immediate risk of harm). It is also good practice to inform MASH of these actions).

8. Children Missing from Education

Staff at Green Labyrinth understand that where a child going missing from education or where there is increased absence, unauthorised absences or they are persistently absent for part of the day, that this is a potential indicator of abuse or neglect or the child could be at risk of exploitation. All staff will follow Green Labyrinth procedures for unauthorised absence and for responding to children that go missing from education, particularly on repeat occasions, to help identify and protect them from the risk of abuse and neglect, including sexual or criminal exploitation.

9. Child on Child abuse and Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between Children

We recognise that children are capable of abusing their peers and that sexual abuse of children by other children is a specific safeguarding issue and that this can happen both inside and outside of education settings including online.

All staff at Green Labyrinth understand that even if there are no reports that it does not mean it is not happening; it may be the case that children are just not reporting it. All staff will be vigilant to what they hear, are told and see and will report all concerns, disclosures or incidents to the DSL.

Staff at Green Labyrinth will challenge any inappropriate behaviour between peers, they will not downplay or dismiss behaviours as ‘just banter’, ‘just having a laugh’, ‘part of growing up’ or ‘boys being boys’. All Staff at Green Labyrinth will develop and model the ethos and culture of our zero tolerance of this type of behaviour and will support and encourage children to come forward and report any issues or concerns they have.

All staff will be trained to recognise signs and symptoms which may signal a child is at risk from sexual harassment or sexual violence and all other types of child on child abuse.

If a learner makes an allegation of abuse against another learner:

Staff will inform the DSL and record the allegation, but will not investigate it
The DSL will contact the local authority MASH and follow its advice, as well as the police if the allegation involves a potential criminal offence

The DSL will put a risk assessment and support plan into place for all children involved – both the child(ren) who experience the abuse and the child(ren) against whom the allegation has been made – with a named trusted adult they can talk to if needed.

All who experience abuse will be reassured that they are being taken seriously and that they will be supported and kept safe.
Those who experience abuse will never be given the impression that they are creating a problem by reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment.
These who experience abuse will never be made to feel ashamed for making a report.

In addition to existing advice about managing a disclosure contained in this policy, staff will follow Searching, Screening and Confiscation Advice 2022. This Advice contains procedures Green Labyrinth will follow should Police conduct a strip search of children on Green Labyrinth premises.

The DSL will manage any incidents in line with the guidance contained in Part 5 KCSIE 2024.
Green Labyrinth will minimise the risk of child-on-child abuse by:

Challenging any form of derogatory or sexualised language or behaviour
Being vigilant to issues that particularly affect different vulnerable groups
Ensuring our curriculum helps to educate learners about appropriate behaviour and consent
Ensuring learners know they can talk to staff confidentially using safeguarding tutorials to ensure their concerns are heard and their wishes are understood
Ensuring staff are trained to understand that a learner harming a peer could be a sign that the child is being abused themselves, and that this would fall under the scope of this policy

10. Serious Violence

All staff will be aware of the risk factors which may signal a child is at risk from or are involved in serious violent crime. These may include increased absence, a change in friendships or relationships with older individuals or groups, a significant decline in performance, signs of self-harm, a change in wellbeing, signs of unexplained injuries or assault. Unexplained gifts or new possessions could also indicate a child is being exploited.

All staff are aware of the risk factors which increase the likelihood of a child becoming involved in serious violence such as being male, having been frequently absent from school or permanently excluded from school, having experienced maltreatment and having been involved in offending, such as theft or robbery.

All staff will be aware that violence can peak in the hours just before or after school.

All staff will report any concerns to the DSL.

11. The Prevent Duty

As with other safeguarding issues, staff will be alert to changes in children’s behaviour which could indicate that they may be in need of help or protection. Staff will use their judgement in identifying children who might be at risk of radicalisation and act proportionately which may include the DSL making a referral using the agreed local Prevent referral procedures. All referrals will be made to by our DSL where it will be reviewed, there may be a need for a multi-agency Channel panel where information from partners is reviewed and the referral considered, level of vulnerability agreed and consider what support may be needed. Green Labyrinth’s DSL will provide information and attend Channel Panels where they are requested to do so.

Green Labyrinth’s DSL will also consider whether it is appropriate to share information with any new education setting in advance of the child leaving our school. This is to ensure the new setting are able to continue supporting the child through the Channel programme.

12. Sharing of Information

Green Labyrinth recognises the need to be proactive in sharing information as early as possible to help identify, assess and respond to risks or concerns about the safety and welfare of children.

Whilst the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 places duties on organisations and individuals to process personal information fairly and lawfully, it is not a barrier to sharing information where the failure to do so would result in a child being placed at risk of harm. Fears about sharing information cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the need to promote the welfare and protect the safety of children; if unsure, staff should contact the DSL to discuss. Green Labyrinth will use the government’s guidance ‘Information Sharing: Advice for practitioners providing services to children, young people, parents and carers’ (2018) to help manage information sharing in school.

13. Transfer of safeguarding records when a learner moves to a new school

Where children leave Green Labyrinth, the DSL will ensure their child protection/safeguarding file is transferred to the new education setting within 5 days, to allow the new school or college to continue supporting children who have had a social worker or have been victims of abuse and have that support in place for when the child arrives, also ensuring secure transit, and confirmation of receipt will be obtained. This file will be transferred separately from the main learner file.

The DSL will ensure this file is transferred within 5 days for an in-year transfer and within 5 days of the start of a new term.

Green Labyrinth’s DSL will also consider if it would be appropriate to share any additional information with the new education setting in advance of a child leaving to help them put in place the right support to safeguard this child and to help the child thrive in the school or college

Green Labyrinth will retain records for learners where there is an existing safeguarding /child protection file or who have been withdrawn to be electively educated at home. These will be stored confidentially until the child’s 25th birthday and then disposed of in a confidential and secure manner.

Appendix A

Forms of abuse and neglect

Abuse is a form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others. Abuse can take place wholly online, or technology may be used to facilitate offline abuse. Children may be abused by an adult or adults or by another child or children. All Green Labyrinth staff will be made aware that abuse, neglect and safeguarding issues are rarely standalone events that can be covered by one definition or label. In most cases multiple issues will overlap with one another. For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those with relevant health conditions additional barriers can exist when identifying abuse and neglect, these include:

assumptions that indicators of possible abuse such as behaviour, mood and injury relate to the child’s disability without further exploration;
being more prone to peer group isolation than other children;
the potential for children with SEN and disabilities being disproportionally impacted by behaviours such as bullying, without outwardly showing any signs;
possible communication barriers and difficulties in overcoming these barriers.

The main forms of abuse are:

Physical abuse: a form of abuse that may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.

Emotional abuse: the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, although it may occur alone.

Sexual abuse: involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse.
Sexual abuse can take place online, and technology can be used to facilitate offline abuse. Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Females can also be abusers as can other children. The sexual abuse of children by other children is a specific safeguarding issue (also known as child-on-child abuse) in education and all staff should be aware of it and their school or colleges policy and procedures for dealing with it.

Neglect: the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers); or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.

Domestic Abuse: The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 received Royal Assent on 29 April 2021. The Act introduces the first ever statutory definition of domestic abuse and recognises the impact of domestic abuse on children, as victims in their own right, if they see, hear or experience the effects of abuse. The statutory definition of domestic abuse, based on the previous cross-government definition, ensures that different types of relationships are captured, including ex-partners and family members. The definition captures a range of different abusive behaviours, including physical, emotional and economic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. Both the person who is carrying out the behaviour and the person to whom the behaviour is directed towards must be aged 16 or over and they must be “personally connected” (as defined in section 2 of the 2021 Act).

Types of domestic abuse include intimate partner violence, abuse by family members, teenage relationship abuse and child/adolescent to parent violence and abuse. Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of sexual identity, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexuality or background and domestic abuse can take place inside or outside of the home. The government will issue statutory guidance to provide further information for those working with domestic abuse victims and perpetrators, including the impact on children.

All children can witness and be adversely affected by domestic abuse in the context of their home life where domestic abuse occurs between family members. Experiencing domestic abuse and/or violence can have a serious, long lasting emotional and psychological impact on children. In some cases, a child may blame themselves for the abuse or may have had to leave the family home as a result. Young people can also experience domestic abuse within their own intimate relationships. This form of child on child abuse is sometimes referred to as ‘teenage relationship abuse’. Depending on the age of the young people, this may not be recognised in law under the statutory definition of ‘domestic abuse’ (if one or both parties are under 16).

In addition to the above, there are other areas of safeguarding, that Green Labyrinth has a responsibility to address and these include (see KCSIE 2024 Annex B for full details):

• Child abduction and community safety incidents
• Child criminal exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
• County Lines
• Children and the court system
• Children missing from education
• Children with family members in prison
• Cybercrime
• Homelessness
• Mental health
• Modern slavery and the National Referral Mechanism
• Preventing radicalisation, The Prevent Duty, Channel
• Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between children in schools and colleges
• Serious violence
• So called ‘honour-based’ abuse (including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage)
• Forced Marriage

Annex B: If you have concerns about a child

Appendix C: If you have concerns about an adult

All staff, and visitors, working in our school understand and adhere to a staff code of conduct. 

If you have a concern about or receive concerning information about a member of staff, raise your concerns immediately with the DSL who will refer to the LADO (Local Area Designated Officer)

LADO 01793 463 854

NSPCC 0800 028 0285

For help and advice or if a member of staff feels their genuine concerns are not being addressed, they may contact

The NSPCC whistleblowing helpline is available for staff who do not feel able to raise concerns regarding child protection failures internally

Staff can call: 0800 028 0285 - line is available from 8:00AM to 8:00PM, Monday to Friday and/or email

Appendix D

Dealing with a Disclosure of Abuse

When a child tells me about abuse s/he has suffered, what must I Remember?

• Stay calm.
• Do not communicate shock, anger or embarrassment.
• Reassure the child. Tell her/him you are pleased that s/he is speaking to you.
• Never promise confidentiality. Assure her/him that you will try to help but let the child know that you may have to tell other people in order to do this. State who this will be and why.
• Encourage the child to talk but do not ask "leading questions" or press for information.
• Listen and remember.
• Check that you have understood correctly what the child is trying to tell you.
• Praise the child for telling you. Communicate that s/he has a right to be safe and protected.
• It is inappropriate to make any comments about the alleged offender.
• Be aware that the child may retract what s/he has told you. It is essential to record all you have heard.
• At the end of the conversation, tell the child again who you are going to tell and why that person or those people need to know.
• As soon as you can afterwards, make a detailed record of the conversation using the child’s own language. Include any questions you may have asked. Do not add any opinions or interpretations. Add your name, date and signature to this record. Upload this information to the CP recording system, ensure any handwritten notes are given to the DSL for filing
• Pass this record on as soon as possible, immediately if significant risk is identified, to the DSL

It is not education staff’s role to seek disclosures or investigate. Their role is to observe that something may be wrong, ask about it, listen, be available and ensure the child is supported through any disclosure process.

Appendix E:

Useful Contacts


01792 466903
Out of hours 01793 436699

MASH Education Adviser

Louise Forrester

Early Help

01793 466479


Sean Capewell
Jon Goddard
Rachael hull



Prevent Team
Anti - Terrorist hotline

01380 826454
0800 789 321