Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to fees and enrolments onto courses provided by Green Labyrinth and Green Labyrinth Professional.
- All courses delivered by Green Labyrinth are subject to the payment of course fees.
- Payment of all fees are due on enrolment unless there is a payment agreement in place or the course is the subject of fee remission..
- Fee's may be subject to a maximum of 100% remission depending on funding being available and student or employer eligibility criteria being met.
- If a student and/or employer is eligible for fee remission, any such remission will only be applied according to the rules and regulations governing that eligibility. If student or employer ceases to be eligible, or through their own failure to attend an agreed training course Green Labyrinth reserves the right to recover all outstanding fees from student or Employer as applicable.
- If fee remission is applied, and the employer causes student to fail, or student fails, to attend a scheduled training event, Green Labyrinth reserves the right to revoke any fee remission. In such case it will be as if the Fee remission had never been applied. In such a case Green Labyrinth, at our entire discretion, will be entitled to reclaim any financial losses it suffers as a consequence from either student or employer as applicable. Such a reclaim will include any funding "clawed back" by the funding provider, registration fees, administration fees and incidental expenses where appropriate.
- If fees remain unpaid, the company reserves the right to remove the student from course and/or to charge interest at a rate of 5% on the outstanding amount due.
- If fees still remain unpaid after the due date, the company reserves the right to transfer the debt to an external agency for collection whereby an additional charge of £25.00 or 15% of the outstanding referred amount (whichever is the highest) will be incurred.
- Where debt recovery is made through the Courts, an additional charge will be incurred. This charge will be a minimum of £95.
- The company reserves the right to offset any payments made against other outstanding fees and charges.
- All payments received will be offset against non-tuition fee charges in the first instance.
- All fees and charges must be met in full and may not be offset against payments due from the company for any other services rendered.
- All fees and charges are incurred at enrolment and will not be remitted regardless of a student withdrawing from the course or the date attendance commenced.
- Where attendances are made, all course related expenditure is due in full and is non- refundable.
- Any charges for Educational Visits must be paid in full prior to the due date prior to each visit.
- Payment of all amounts outstanding must be made, either by post, in person, or credit/debit card by telephone.
- Payment may only be made by instalments if the student is personally liable for the fees and will not be reimbursed by another party.
- Instalment agreements will only be made where the tuition fee exceeds £300.00 and will be collected via standing order. A non refundable admin fee of £30.00 will be made for this payment method.
- An administration fee of £25 will be charged for any missed payments (i.e. returned cheques/Direct Debits).
- Continued attendance upon a course of study is dependent upon payment of fees or receipt of applicable funding.
- Non payment of fees or failure to agree suitable terms of payment will result in: examination entries not being processed; course certificates not being released; and/or physical access to the course being denied; and/or access to work placements (forming part of the study programme) being prevented
- Fees will only be refunded in full if the company closes a course or the attendance of the applicant is made impossible or inappropriate by some action of Green Labyrinth.
- Fees will not be refunded where course closure is temporary due to fire, flood or other force majeure, adverse weather conditions or industrial action.
Our Guarantee of Quality provides our learners with the opportunity to attend the course of their choice. If a customer sends us a written notice of dissatisfaction with a course within 60 days of the course, the customer will have the option of retaking the course at no charge, applying prepaid tuition fees against another course attendance, receiving a full refund of any course tuition paid or cancellation of any unpaid invoices for that course.
The student agrees that all course participants will abide by security measures in effect at the course location.
At times, we may change a course location, course date, or postpone a course. We will try to give the customer as much advance notice as possible of any such change. If the customer is unable to attend a course at the revised location or date, we will credit 100% of any prepaid course tuition fees paid against a future course or, if requested, refund those fees. However, we will not be liable for any other costs incurred including (for example) travel charges or any consequential damages, even if we were advised of them.
Some Green Labyrinth courses require students to attend examinations and/or assessments in order to complete the course. In general, unless otherwise notified, Green Labyrinth will include initial examination and assessment fees within the course fee. If the student fails to attend a pre-booked examination or assessment without a minimum of 48 hours prior notice Green Labyrinth reserves the right to charge student for subsequent examination bookings and administration fees.
This policy will outline the regulations and processes to be followed should an apprentice fail any element of their end point assessment. The regulations have been agreed by employers to offer all apprentices the opportunity to prove their competence.
If an element is failed Green Labyrinth (“the Provider”) will provide feedback to the employer and the apprentice, including areas for improvement. The employer will then decide if the apprentice should resit the failed element. Only elements which are graded as “fail” will be eligible for a resit.
If a resit is requested by the employer, employer must confirm that the apprentice requires additional training before the resit takes place. Employer must acknowledges that resits for end point assessment required by the apprenticeship standard are fundable only where extra learning must take place prior to the resit taking place; if necessary a new price can be agreed between employer and provider to include this additional training.
The employer must also agree a price for the resit of the assessment with the Provider. Any new prices agreed will be subject to the relevant funding cap and may result in additional coat to the Employer. If the new prices exceed the total value of the relevant funding cap, no further government contributions will be made and the employer will need to meet these additional costs in full.
If no additional training is required the employer must pay the cost of the resit, there is no government subsidy in this case regardless of whether the funding cap has been reached.
Once the decision to resit has been made and a price agreed, Provider will appoint an external assurer to coordinate with the employer and arrange the resit. This may be a different assurer from the one who carried out the original end point assessment.
All resits are at the discretion of the employer and if an apprentice fails a resit the employer will decide if further attempts can be made.
The learner will not receive their apprenticeship award until all elements of the end point assessment have been completed successfully.
If a learner fails one part of the end point assessment but is successful in others, only the failed element can be re-taken. Results of the other elements will stand and will not be affected by the resit process.
All copyrights, patents, designs and other intellectual property rights in or relating to any course materials provided or made available in connection with our courses remain the sole property of Green Labyrinth. No part of any course materials may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or translated into any language, without the prior written permission of Green Labyrinth.
These terms and conditions set out above represent a complete statement of the agreement between the parties and supersede all prior discussions, correspondence and representations. Our brochures and advertisements are for information purposes only and are not intended to form any agreement between Green Labyrinth and the recipient. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice and changes will apply to any enrolment/course order received after the date of the change. These terms and conditions may not be varied except in a written agreement signed by an officer of Green Inc (eu) Limited. Green Labyrinth’s acceptance of a purchase order containing different terms and conditions does not modify or supersede these terms and conditions. This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English Law.
Where Green Inc (eu) Limited limits the provision of its educational services to employees of corporations, partnerships and government organisations who are sponsored by their respective organisations. This agreement is between Green Inc (eu) Limited and the employer.